Custom Report Header: Modifies the title that appears at the top of each page of the MAR Custom. By default, the header title is 'Medication Administration Record'. Print Patient Image: Prints an image of the patient on the MAR Custom for all patients that have an image on their Patient Profile in PharmaClik Rx.  Only one image can be printed on the MAR Custom Report (either the Patient Image or Store Logo). Print Store Logo: Prints the store logo (as set in More> Pharmacy) for every patient. Only one image can be printed on the report (either the Patient Image or Store Logo). Print Watermark Dates: Each day will be printed in the grid as a watermark. 'X' Where Dose Not Given: Prints an 'X' in the boxes for days in which medication should not be dispensed. Grid Shading: Allows the selection of grid shading in colours and contrast. Column Shading: Allows specific column(s) to be shaded in a designated colour and contrast. Enter the column number in the field adjacent to this option to designate the column shading. Remember to enter the correct column number and not the day of the month. Multiple columns can be made by adding a comma (e.g. 20,21,22). Preview: Allows you to preview the Grid Information selections prior to printing. Report Period to Header: Moves the report period to the header section of the report. Facility Name to Header: Moves the LTC Facility name to the header section of the report. When this option is selected, the following injection sites appear in the footer section: A - BUTTOCKS (GLUTEUS) LEFT; B - BUTTOCKS (GLUTEUS) RIGHT; C - ARM (DELTOID) LEFT; D - ARM (DELTOID) RIGHT; E - THIGH (QUADRACEPES) LEFT; F - THIGH (QUADRACEPES) RIGHT; G - ABDOMEN. Dropdown Options: Allows you to select one of 10 footers to appear in the footer section. The maximum # of rows that can be added is indicated next to each footer type: Comments (1); Nurses Signature (8); Nurse Check By, Signature, Date (7); Nurse Signature, Date, Time (7); Doctor Signature & Freeform Text (6); Pharmacist Signature (8); Pharmacist Signature, Check By, & Date (7); Check By & Date (7); PACMED Checked (8). Freeform: This field becomes enabled when you select the Doctor Signature foot type from the dropdown selection above. Print Chart by Exception: This is for informational purposes only, should the LTC Facility request this option to be printed on the MAR Custom Report. Print Weight, Pulse Rate & Blood Pressure: This section allows for the LTC Facility to record a patient's weight, pulse rate, and blood pressure. Print Nurse's Signature & Initial Box: This section allows the nurse(s) to sign and initial for tracking purposes. Insert Medbox Rows: Allows the insertion of up to an additional 6 administration time rows. These administration time rows will be empty. Additional Medboxes: Allows the addition of up to 99 empty Medboxes to be added at the end of the patient's MAR. Custom Row: Prints up to an additional 3 rows in which customizable freeform text can be entered. This will print on every page in the report.

MAR Custom - Layout Tab

Use your mouse to rollover the fields below for more information.